Scrappy Pouches at QuiltCon
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So I took the class this morning and had a great time. I struggled a lot but as usual, because I suck, I powered on through and hoped for the best. The pouch is super easy. I really enjoyed digging into my ginormous bag of scraps I got from Sewtopia’s booth.

That place snagged so much of my money both years I’ve been to this conference.
We started out piecing our exteriors of the pouches by just quilting as we went. I chose to do something more linear with my pouch. Then we attached our sides to the zipper and finished assembling. I only had to seam rip twice. 🙄
I was lucky enough to sit down at a Bernina P770+. Wow what a machine!!

At home, I use a Brother Pacesetter PS500. It’s a nice enough machine. Don’t get me wrong, but I could be a bitch to a machine this smooth!
Anyway, after screwing up a bunch of times and approaching the instructor twice to figure out what I was doing wrong, I finished up this adorable pouch that I’m super proud of!